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My online Marketplace failed

by Alan W

Why Hiring an Advisor Can Supercharge Your Online Platform Dreams.

Have you ever dreamt of building your own online platform or marketplace? Maybe you see a gap in the market or have a unique product or service that could thrive in a dedicated online space. While the idea of complete control and customisation might be tempting, the story of Maverick, the tech-savvy course creator, serves as a cautionary tale.

Maverick's tale highlights the pitfalls of going the DIY route without proper guidance. Building a platform from scratch takes time, expertise, and ongoing maintenance. Like Maverick, you might find yourself spending countless hours wrestling with code and technical issues, neglecting the core aspects of your platform – the content, marketing, and user experience. This is where an online platform advisor can be your secret weapon.

Maverick's Regret: The Cost of Going DIY

Maverick learned a hard lesson about the perils of building his online platform from scratch. Had he consulted with a platform advisor, he might have avoided the frustration, stress, and missed opportunities that plagued his project.

Imagine if Maverick had had access to expert guidance from the start. An advisor could have:

  • Navigated the complexities of platform development: Instead of stumbling through technical challenges,Maverick could have focused on the core aspects of his course.

  • Identified the right tools and technologies: An advisor could have helped him choose a platform that aligned with his needs and budget, saving him time and money.

  • Future-proofed his platform: With expert advice, Maverick could have built a platform that was not only functional but also scalable and adaptable to changing market trends.

  • Avoided costly mistakes: An advisor could have helped him anticipate and address potential issues, preventing costly errors and delays.

By seeking the help of a platform advisor, Maverick could have launched his course on time, avoided the stress of DIY development, and ultimately achieved greater success.

Work with Alan W

“Solving niche challenges founders face”.


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