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Angelo Z :: Custom Web & Software Development

Bespoke development that is centered to your unique needs.

An experienced, collaborative team of results-driven and enthusiastic tech professionals consisting of developers, QA testers, and project managers.

We work passionately, balancing hard work with good times. Producing great work that we are really proud of. We form long-lasting, close-knit relationships with our clients that span years as we act as their tech partner.

Bespoke development that is catered to your unique needs. Our passion lies in the design and development of complex, custom, high-end web-based projects. Our team thoroughly enjoys building data-rich dashboards, sophisticated user portals, custom CMS solutions, and the complexities they come with. We pride ourselves on building bespoke solutions that are specifically created for our clients’ unique and specific requirements.

Database-driven web-based applications.

Client portals: User profiles. Secure access. Messaging and communication. Document sharing and storage. Billing and payments.

Dashboards: Data visualisation. Real-time updates. Interactivity and drill-down. Automated reporting.

Hybrid mobile apps: Cross-platform compatibility. Faster development and updates. Access to device features Web technology integration

Intranets: Internal communication tools. Collaboration workspaces. Personalisation and dashboards. Custom applications and integration. Employee directory and profiles.

Web development

We develop bespoke websites that are packed with features and functionality. We develop responsive websites and web apps that are highly complex in nature, feature-rich and are built to scale. These websites are simple to update and customised for your needs. All while ensuring that your website looks amazing across different platforms and is built on solid web development best practises.

Websites and Web Apps: Booking engines. Automated processes Third-party API integrations Custom CMSes. Customer portals. Powerful search functionality eCommerce: Web shop. Secure payment gateway. Order tracking and customer accounts. Shipping. Subscription-based platforms Multi-currency support Custom WordPress: Custom theme development. Bespoke plugin creation. Responsive and mobile-friendly design

Project discovery

A comprehensive discovery process to take your concept from idea to a defined product We always use the building of a house as an example; without a blueprint with exact measurements and the use of materials, the builder would base the building on assumptions. Likewise, our process ensures clarity and precision. Through collaborative workshops, we define your project's requirements and scope to avoid any grey areas and ensure you have a clear picture of what your product will look like and how it will function. The outcome of our scoping exercises results in highly detailed technical specs and a comprehensive set of wireframes.

Website audits

A deeper look under the hood of your website. By conducting a thorough examination of your website’s source code, database structure and foundation, we are able to document and identify what is working and what needs improvement or overhauling. We provide you with a comprehensive report that contains our findings and recommendations in order to improve your website and take it to the next level.


Elevate your platform’s performance. Making a website that looks great and functions well is important for any industry, but that’s only half the battle; the upkeep is just as crucial. Your website's maintenance ensures that your platform continues to evolve and succeed over time.

  • WordPress core and plugin updates

  • Visual and functional enhancements

  • Software updates

  • Minor feature development

  • Troubleshooting and support

  • Deployment and testing

  • Access to your project via our project management tool

Digital transformation

We build digital solutions that adapt, scale, and stand the test of time. We do digital transformation that’s designed to accelerate your business with attractive and scalable solutions that future-proof your business and optimise your workflow.

● Process automation

● Streamlined communication

● Data accessibility and insights

● Scalability and integration

● Employee engagement

Angelo Z's story
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