~ by Andries B
What formula should B2B salespeople follow on a 30 minutes call with leads?
Here's my take (& framework) to help you become - a good, if not great - conversationalist, let alone Salesperson.
1 minute. Greet, meet, intro, shoot the breeze (an artform in and of itself).
2 minute: As host/ salesperson; talk through agenda, frame the problem as you understand it - again. Then ask 5-10 questions, with a preamble -
'this will help me better understand , not waste time, and be of most value'
What are those?
Ask them to explain their current role/s, team setup, current solutions
What the businesses purviews are (context of their maturity & product market fit)
What have they done, tried, seen, struggle with - most, prior to… (try pinpoint specifics)
What is there 3 to 6 to 12 month goals, how do they see the ideal roadmap pan out (discern their preparedness, planning)
Who/what else have they considered/as alternatives, ask about their competitors
There'll be doors you want to open and look inside.
Shut Up! Keep mum. Make notes. Nod. The odd - ok - is fine.
(min 3-20)
Allow at least - 15 minutes of shutting up - for to them speak; interject only when something's not clear; let them elaborate. By doing this well, it'll show your understanding, acumen & insight of the industry/trends. Allowing them to tell a story… feel acknowledged, builds trust - then…
(min 20-25)
But first! Write down the most important thing you do. Rewrite it & Again. Are you concise, Clear about your UVP! Does that align with what they need?
IF Yes, Can you frame how you see… in less than 5 minutes ; using terminology they used, in as simple & few words possible. Taking pause, asking, does that makes sense?
Have you done your homework prior? Was there anything to add/mention - to show you did? (to add credence)
What are the steps - to solve for X?
If you don't mention your product - even better. (People buy solutions, and into people - less into products, as you might think)
Use examples of peers, where & what you learnt; & how it's applicable to them. How working together could/will work etc.
Lastly, 5 minutes Q & A + recap + actions
Work with Andries B
“Solving niche challenges Founders face”.
Illustrator: Lisa Williams (Instagram: @artist_llw)